
The Big Chop!

Cutting your relaxer out can be scary! Many clients who become frustrated with the in- between stage cut the relaxed hair off. Some just wait until it grows to a comfortable length before they cut. Whichever way, be sure about your decision before you CHOP! It is a drastic change. But have no fear; it is possible to straighten short hair. And once it’s trained, it will stay straighter longer. However you decide, after your visit, you’ll leave Naturally Beautiful with well conditioned, gorgeous hair.

The Transition

The Transition is an alternative to THE BIG CHOP. Rather than cutting off all of your relaxed hair at one time, trims every 6 to 8 weeks will allow for the relaxer to be cut out gradually. Relaxers strip hair of both moisture and protein. Because of this it is very important during The Transition to continuously work to build the protein and moisture levels in your hair. In order to do so, hydration (deep steam therapy) is recommended as well as products that are high in protein. During The Transition, you may experience some breakage. These chances can be lessened with steady moisturizing and conditioning. In addition, frequent visits to Naturally Beautiful can make The Transition smooth.


You have endured the BIG CHOP or made it through The Transition. Now it’s time to maintain your Naturally Beautiful hair. In order to do so, maintaining high levels of moisture in your hair is necessary. Frequent hydration (deep steam therapy) is recommended as well as having your ends trimmed every 6 to 8 weeks. Be sure to wrap or pin curl your hair when sleeping in addition to wearing a silk/satin scarf or bonnet to avoid breakage. If you are Naturally Beautiful and participate in activities that may cause perspiration, be sure to wrap your hair and keep it wrapped until you are completely cooled and your scalp is dry.